We bought a punnet of lebanese cucumber seedlings from Bunnings without really thinking that they would survive the summer heat after the transplant. Not only have they survived , they have produced about 8 fruits so far (we have harvested 3).

We added a pvc trellis behind and trained the branches to climb. The trellis is simply placed onto screwed in hooks on the fence. Hopefully it will be able to take the weight of the plants and their fruits. A gap had been left between the trellis and the fence so that there can be easier access to whatever fruits that chose to pop up behind it.

Plastic bags are used to cover (not wrap) the fruits, shielding them from the summer sun and hopefully eyes of birds. So far, none of the fruits have been pecked on…so fingers crossed that my reflective cds are indeed effective in deterring the feathered kind.

They do not grow very long, but have decent girth. They are mildly sweet and have edible soft seeds. More on what we did to them can be read here.